Workshops & Retreats
Take a moment out of your life to bring back your inner peace, clarity and passion for life.
Reiki I Workshop
This is a workshop for everyone. It helps to energise, and revitalise and accelerate healing. It encourages your immune system to be at its best. It promotes physical health, wellbeing and emotional balance. It reduces stress and anxiety, and creates happiness, success, joy, intuition and inner peace.
Course includes:
- Chakra System
- Meditation
- Attunements
- Reiki self treatment
- Reiki treatment on others

Reiki II Workshop
- Reiki supports-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being
- Reiki functions on all levels, whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional
- Reiki balances the body’s energies
- Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation
- Reiki is an extremely pleasant, holistic method of healing

In the Now
Is Your Time
Is Your Life
Me Time Mini Course is to reconnect with your Passion & Purpose, to learn techniques to destress & find time for yourself.
How to Sustain an abundance of energy, vitality and passion and enthusiasm for life.
Subtle techniques to assist in switching off from the daily stresses and in turn enhancing focus and direction.

Other Workshops
Leonie is passionate about running workshops to teach and heal. Her workshops include:
- Goddess Workshop
- New Moon Meditation
- Meditation for Everyone
- EMF Balancing Introduction & Technique
- EMF Accredited Practitioner Training (6 days)
- EMF Personal Growth Training for Self Care (6 days)
- EMF- The Symbol Workshop
- EMF- Reflections Workshop
- Lattice Logic for Organisations
- Me Time in the Now
- Chakra Movement
- Chakra Balancing for the Soul
- Awakening Your Sexual Energy
- Reiki I
- Reiki II
- Reiki III
- Reiki Masters
- Intuition and You
- Reiki Empowerment
- Relationship Rescue
- Couples Programme
- Tools of Trade for a balanced Relationship
- Connecting Mother and Daughter’s Journey
- Personality Profiling
- Self Motivation
- Team Building
- Diploma of Life Mastery in Energetics (12 month course)
Most workshops run for half a day or one day.

Over many years of experience, Leonie has found that taking clients away on retreats is one of the most profound ways to heal body, mind and spirit. Modern life is so rushed and we have so many responsibilities. We need to take time out of our busy lives to get back in touch with who we are. Leonie holds retreats in Bali and the Gold Coast. Each attendee gets a personal healing session with Leonie, beautiful healthful food, time for meditation, time for group work and time to “just be”. The healing that takes place on these retreats is often life-changing.