Leonie Feast-Jones is a very powerful energy healer. For 30 years, Leonie has been at the forefront of energy healing in Australia. Leonie uses a wide range of healing modalities in her healing sessions. She receives guidance intuitively and heals accordingly. Healing methods include Reiki (Leonie is a Reiki Master and Trainer), EMF Balancing Technique ®, Chakra Balancing, Psych K, Chanelling, Colour Healing, Energy Dynamics and Trigger Point Therapy.
Leonie is very much in demand Australia-wide. Although currently residing in Mount Gambier, South Australia, Leonie travels interstate and overseas to conduct personal energy healing sessions as well as workshops and retreats. She is also available for distance healing remotely via Zoom to anyone in Australia or world-wide. To learn more about Leonie’s story, click here.
Shift your energy blocks, clear your aura, balance your chakras, find your life purpose. Healing Sessions available face to face or distance healing via Zoom.
An Online Program consists of series of downloadable material including various Meditation Techniques and Personal Development Webinars designed to reduce Panic & Anxiety in facing the challenges of “New Normal”.
Reiki Level 1 and 2; Meditation, Empowerment Circles; Click here for dates of upcoming workshops and events.
“She sees and clears the blockages that no-one else seems to be able to help you with”
I have been seeing Leonie Feast for many years now, and as I’ve found such tremendous results in my own well being and personal growth. Leonie weaves her magic like no other. By tapping into the real cause and releasing it, she generates amazing energy and clarity.
“When Leonie moved to Sydney some years ago the word got around about ‘this amazing woman”
When Leonie moved to Sydney some years ago the word got around about ‘this amazing woman’ and soon I and my friends and colleagues were talking about Leonie and our experience when seeing her. Leonie was a tremendous support to me when I was about to undergo major surgery and during my recovery.
“Like the ancient Greeks who consulted the wise oracle, many senior executives, leaders and managers consult her “
Leonie is a one of the world’s leading authorities in several healing modalities and provides advisory services to companies, organisations and institutions. Leonie brings clarity, insight and foresight into helping solve some of the most complex problems and challenges whether it is for people or organisations.
“Leonie did two sessions and now he can walk straight, run, without tripping, swim straight”
Leonie suggested I bring him along for a session. Immediately I saw him on the couch and saw the unevenness of his body. Leonie was amazing and worked with him on his level throughout. He enjoyed the sessions and the impact on his life has been immense.
Come with me on this new journey of the “NEW NORM”.
The world has changed, we need to hit a re-set button. A new norm to Reset – your thinking – your actions – your future - your programme. We need to know how to prepare ourselves for the New Norm as the old ways will not be as effective in the future. There are...
What is involved in a House Clearing
What is involved in a House Clearing I visit many properties, and each property takes some time to tune into and sense the feel of the space before entering the property. There can many scenarios in relation to the various energies encapsulated with each individual...
Why is House Clearing important
I love it when some-one wants a house clearing! Have you moved into a new home? Are you selling your home? Does your house and property feel like there is some foreign energy present? Would you and your family like to initiate a fresh start for 2018. All of us want...
Meditation-Being in the Now
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The Advantages of Healing the Body with Reiki Energy
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Easy Ways to Meditate in your Everyday Life
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