Come with me on this new journey of the “NEW NORM”.

Come with me on this new journey of the “NEW NORM”.

The world has changed, we need to hit a re-set button. A new norm to Reset – your thinking – your actions – your future - your programme. We need to know how to prepare ourselves for the New Norm as the old ways will not be as effective in the future.   There are...

What is involved in a House Clearing

What is involved in a House Clearing

What is involved in a House Clearing I visit many properties,  and each property takes some time to tune into and sense the feel of the space before entering the property. There can many scenarios in relation to the various energies encapsulated with each individual...

Why is House Clearing important

Why is House Clearing important

I love it when some-one wants a house clearing! Have you moved into a new home? Are you selling your home? Does your house and property feel like there is some foreign energy present? Would you and your family like to initiate a fresh start for 2018.  All of us want...

Meditation-Being in the Now

Meditation-Being in the Now

Meditation is an ancient art, practiced by millions of people worldwide and also through many different cultures and beliefs, both in present day and throughout the centuries. It is a gentle but powerful experience, which requires stillness of the physical body, and...

The Advantages of Healing the Body with Reiki Energy

The Advantages of Healing the Body with Reiki Energy

The Advantages of Healing the Body with Reiki Energy   What are the Advantages of Healing the Body with Reiki Energy? There are so many advantages to working with Reiki energy as it  supports and establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being. Reiki...

Easy Ways to Meditate in your Everyday Life

Easy Ways to Meditate in your Everyday Life

Easy Ways to Meditate in your Everyday Life Do you struggle to find time to meditate on a daily basis? Or find it difficult to sit still for more than a couple of minutes? Here are some easy ways to meditate which you can include in your everyday life. Meditation is a...

Effects of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

Effects of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

Effects of an Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the lung and large intestine meridians. The colour of the solar plexus chakra is yellow. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance or not spinning correctly the cause may be:...

How Does An Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Affect My Life?

How Does An Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Affect My Life?

How Does An Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Affect My Life? (Also known as the 2nd Chakra) The Sacral Chakra is associated with the kidney and bladder meridians. The colour of the sacral chakra is orange. When the sacral chakra is out of balance or not spinning correctly the...

How Does the Root Chakra Affect Your Body?

How Does the Root Chakra Affect Your Body?

How does the root chakra affect the body? (Also known as the Base Chakra or the 1st Chakra) How does the root chakra affect the body? The Root Chakra is associated with the heart meridian and the small intestine meridian. The colour of the root chakra is red. When the...

How Reiki healing can help you!

How Reiki healing can help you!

Reiki is described as the “universal life energy” and when you are attuned to this energetic vibration, it can be channelled through you and passed on to whomever you touch. In many eastern cultures, it is known that the universe is not just empty space but that it is...

Change is necessary

Change is necessary

Many of us fear change. Yet we need to embrace it to be able to move forward without resistance and going back into old habits. Its the Universe's way of showing us our life is not on the right track. It is also a way that teaches us lessons to bring us closer to our...

Winter is here

Winter is here

Winter is a wonderful time of year to Nurture and re-energise yourself. It's a quiet contemplative time of the year when we can connect with our inner selves. I love doing healing in Winter time because I find people are more reflective and focused on the inner rather...

How the weather effects our energy fields

How the weather effects our energy fields

Over many years of healing clients, I have observed that as the seasons change our body energy fields change. For many people, as winter arrives, arthritis becomes more painful in the body. It also can be debilitating for many people. As there are different types of...

Financial blocks in your energy field

Financial blocks in your energy field

I had  a client last week who had been suffering from lower back pain for months. She had financial blocks in her energy field, caused by stress and worry. Financial blocks often creates tightness in the lower spine which then converts into pain. People don't realise...

Reiki Workshops in July 2016

Reiki Workshops in July 2016

I am happy to announce that she I be holding Reiki workshops in July 2016. The Reiki I Workshop will be held on Saturday July 2nd. The Reiki II Workshop will be held on Saturday July 23rd. Book now as spots are limited. I would love to see you there for a beautiful...



Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. Be grateful for what you have. Live from a space of gratitude and abundance. #FeastOnLife #gratitude

Practice Self Care

Practice Self Care

This is a quote that reminds us all to practice self-care. We can't be there for our loved one's if we are so empty that we have nothing left to give. Choose to take time out for yourself today.   Leonie Feast-Jones #FeastOnLife #Selfcare  



Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it! When you tell the universe what you want, the universe conspires to make it happen. But so many of us haven't taken the time to truly think about what it is that we want. Please schedule some "me time" to manifest your...

Enough Time

Enough Time

Does this sound like YOU? There's never enough time... Every night I go to bed with a "to do list" longer than it is possible for the next day... Time is what I want most... But I use worst... and if time really is money... then I'm broke... Do YOU want to press...

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